
It's been a sad day today. We said goodbye to Alan, my Dad's best friend for almost 68 years and my Godfather. He was a genuinely lovely man and a true gent.

My Dad and him met on VE Day in May 1945, when my Grandad (who my Dad was yet to meet) was returning from the war and they have been firm friends ever since. They grew up together, went to school together, went on holidays together and were life long season ticket holders for their beloved Manchester City FC. They got married in the same year and both had their first child 3 months apart, both girls (myself and Alison, who is one of my best friends) and he has always been a part of our lives.

He sadly lost his battle with cancer last week at the age of 71. Rest in peace, Alan. You will be sadly missed.

Sorry for the sad blip. I promise normality will resume tomorrow!

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