Sunday Collage ...

Even though it was still overcast we still wanted to get out for some fresh air.  We needed to get to Costco so we went over there early instead of in the afternoon ... hoping to beat the crowds.  It was still busier than I thought it would be but the wait in line wasn't all that long.  The lines seem to move rather quickly here. 

After finishing up at Costco we drove over to the Trexler Game Preserve.  We didn't go into the zoo today ... instead opting for a walk along one of the many trails here.  My collage has two pictures for this trail.  We encountered lots of people including this family of five.  They were all masked up ... including the littlest one. 

When we got home I sat in the backyard shooting the squirrels ... but only with my camera!  At one point as I sat on the deck all the birds (and squirrels) scattered.  I knew immediately that one of our neighborhood hawks was about the appear.  And I was right.  The Cooper's hawk pictured in the bottom middle of the collage swooped down and then landed in the tree right in front of me!  The nerve!  I tried to chase him/her off by clapping .... of course after I got a few shots first!  I actually had to walk towards him/her clapping the whole time before it finally flew off.  I was almost right below it before this happened!

All the shots in my collage are SOOC so I'm still going to tag this for my December SOOC challenge! The upper left picture is of our beautiful sunset this evening.  And also featured is a lovely Tufted Titmouse.

No COVID19 stats today as they don't publish them on Sunday's. 

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