With a little help...

With the new lockdown rules, the family council decided, that we will not meet with our sons at Christmas. It wasn't an easy decision. But there will time for family after the winter. AND we will have several online games during Christmas, so we'll have enough time to quarrel, hehe :-)
That also means  several preparations to get  christmassy parcels ready for the boys. Even when we don't do gifts any more...
So I started to bake cookies. Everyone could wish one kind of cookies.
These are Macadamia- white chocolate cookies and the favourites in my family. There is a lot of chopping and I was glad to get help from my tiny Hanullis. The forest team did a great job. :-)

Thank you carol_dunham for hosting Tiny Tuesday in December :-)

Reminder: The tag for TiPS,  the stage for the adventures of all kinds of tiny figures is TiPS2020. Share your creative entries with other lovers of tiny people  and have fun  :-D

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