Something Different

Another busy day...picked up a grocery order, did a Zumba class and a bunch of Zoom meetings this afternoon.

A wander out to the garden on a wet, cool day found some interesting things, including a flock of bush tits who were distraught that the kitties had come out with me. The cats didn't seem to be interested in the birds, but they birds were determined to harass the cats. Wrong lens, low light, oh well!

I shot a good photo of the lovely Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' but I've used it as a blip several times before. Not that it's a bad blip mind you, but boring (to me). So I started playing with Affinity Photo, which is what I use to process my photos. I found some fun filters that I'd never used before. The main blip is the euphorbia photo in the extra with the "mirrors" filter applied...and "many" mirrors chosen.  It looks very much like a kaleidoscope, which of course is made up of many mirrors. Not my usual, but it's certainly quite attractive and interesting. Probably back to normal tomorrow :-)

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