Bob bob bobbing...

The robin fits in well with our extended family. He exhibits a measure of OCDness which fits in well with the acceptable norm in our house. Same spot, same time. With any luck we shall be able to track the rise and fall of the viburnum blossom over the next few weeks! I sense your excitement from here!

A trip to Cupar for the purpose of haircut and a very pleasant lunch with JB. All caught up now on the gossip front I think. Home and the rare treat of a spot of daytime tv. Rudely interrupted by Mr Lif insisting we head to St As to buy him a new phone...he is now no longer a smartphone virgin and I have had peace all night. I think he likes it. A short walk on the beach. Boy that wind was arctic.... Roll on spring!

Glad to be home and warm.

Enjoy your weekend blippers x

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