Wide Wednesday - Seeing Double

Early this morning in the workshop I was prowling around thinking that something might catch my eye for Wide Wednesday as I didnt have a lot of time for a walk.  Finally I caught my own eye in the two screens and thought ah I’m seeing double lol amazing what can pop up when you least expect it!

Then tonight, same deal, no time to even look out of the window and I’ve only just had time (10pm) to check the night blooming cactus flowers and two of the blooming things are fully open whew so glad i checked.  So I was seeing double again haha!!   I’ve put a phone shot done with flash in as an extra and just noticed the cheeky lizard/gecko creature on the leaf thinking he might just go and nibble on those flowers!! They smell heavenly!  That big long leaf is about a meter or  more and has reached the ceiling, very hard to get shot up there with just the phone :o)

Thank you Bob for hosting Wide Wednesday, always fun ;o)

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