Early Morning Photo

I got the Cactus picture this morning.  You can see, at the top of the photo the gray overcast clouds, accompanied by the cool, wet air.  You could almost feel the mist in the air.  I checked the weather and saw the huge front that was coming over us and how it was attached to the front moving Northeast.  The East Coast is going to get a Nor Easter, a cold front, loaded with moisture and cold air.  It was forecast that New Yourk City could 8" of snow.  Many other areas had a forecast of lots of snow, with cold, cold air as well.   I was glad to get the beautiful colors of the Cactus.
      Right now we are getting pouring rain, cold temps, and a great desire to stay warm and cozy in the villa.  
      The first extra is the Pomegranate Bonsai.  It likes the cold temps, so it's outside all the time.   This plant really likes the backyard, because it's in full bloom!   Everything else has lost blooms, lost leaves, slowed down and curled up for winter.  Not the Pomegranate!
   The second extra is a Pomegranate  bloom that has been visited by a pollinator.  It is growing very hard, and swelling.   I just might get a fruit  for Christmas.

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