
Another day much like any other day at the moment.  It started with a walk in the dark, then home to get BB out to school.  He returned as he didn’t have any writing implements with him.   The rest of the day was busy with work, with a quick walk at lunchtime to break up the day.  It was sunny again, so nice to get out before back to the laptop.
TT was at work today, so I was home alone until BB retuned from school.
The FM announced that we are back into level 3 on Friday – it was inevitable.  I was just about to book a yoga class,  but that won’t be happening now.
After tea I had a quick walk to feed my Fitbit. I came home and wrote some Christmas cards.  It’s been really nice receiving cards from friends and family.  There is a real sense of connection as we haven’t seen anyone this year.
I walked past these berries at lunchtime.  I have no doubt they will all disappear soon.

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