One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Forest walk

Today we went for yet another forest walk.
We do so every Saturday and Sunday.
Do you think that they would get bored?
Oh no they don't.
Do you think that I would get bored?
Most definitely not!

They will one day though. They will get bored of the forest walk.
It will impact too much on their precious time spent with their mates.

I will be sad then...

But then again I will also rediscover the bliss of staying late in bed.

I won't be so sad then. I won't be inconsolable. It will be a different phase, that's all.

I went to a comedy show today. It was very funny and I had many belly laughs.
Except for the last four minutes.
If the material of the last four minutes had been delivered half way through the show, I would have waked out in protest.
As it happens I did walk out in protest.
But since the other 300 members of the audience were walking out because it was the end of the show, my statement lacked in forcefulness and singularity...

Hey, how weird. The one year ago shot features the same kid, in more or less the same place... I need to see more different places. Or swap kids for exotic holidays..

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