My neighbours garden

she has gone to town with her lights, I took this the other day and she keeps adding lights, Its very pretty though.

It rained very heavy today till late afternoon, so we got a bit wet walking the dogs, then called down at my granddaughter Kirsty's to hand over presents for her and Caitlin and for my other granddaughter Steph and her little girl Amelia. Kirsty gave us our presents and a chicken and some sausages. She's like that bless her. We stood out in the rain in the street social distancing, it's a funny old world.

later this afternoon watched Boris and Co deliver their speeches still not sure what to make of them, They don't live in our world.

Things are not looking good all round at the moment, what with the 48 hour shutdown to and from France. I can just see people going mad buying up everything in the supermarkets again. and the whole country going into tier 4 lockdown with this new strain of the covid virus.

On a brighter note it was the Winter Solstice today and the shortest day and night, so we can look forward to spring which is around 2 months away give or take a couple of weeks to March, and if things go on like they are it will be dig for Britain all over again not sure I can dig, but I did get a new rotavator two years ago which has never been used so it may be coming into use for a new veg plot.

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