Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Optical Illusion??

Today was busy but managed to get out for some vitamin D!

Went all the way out to Ibn Battuta Mall which is quite a different mall to the ones GK has been blipping all week.

It a Story Mall!! doesn't focus on designer shops, it focus's on a man.

Ibn Battuta was one of the greatest travelers the world has ever seen and hardly ever heard of. He was on the road for almost 30 years, covering some 75,000 miles through the length and breadth of the Muslim world.

He was born in Fez, Morocco and set out to travel at the tender age of 21, intending to win his reputation by going on Hajj to Mecca. This accomplished, instead of turning home he decided to get a job in Delhi.

With some detours along the African coast and up through Turkey and the Crimea, Ibn Battuta finally made his way with various caravans to India.

Finally, his itchy feet moved him on and he accepted the position of ambassador to China. On the way though the Hindu Kush Indians waylaid him so he eventually carried on to Sumatra where he married into the royal family and served as a judge until he got thrown out.

He then drifted slowly back home to Morocco, detouring through North Africa and seeing the effects of the Black Death everywhere. Upon his return he dictated the stories of his travels.

Each section of this Mall is laid out in the ambience of some of the countries he visited, China, Egypt, India, Andalusia, Persia and Tunisia.

Not a great shopping experience and long way out of town!!!! Ok for a one off visit if you really can't think of anything else to do!!!!

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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