Christmas Eve Reeds

Busier day than anticipated.  Managed to deliver local cards and gifts eventually.  Mid way my car gave one of those scary persistent bleeps and something red flashed but not for long enough for me to see what the symbol was.  Think it might have been very low brake fluid, not sure, and if it was you have to wonder where it went :(  M came to the rescue and poured some more in, drove it home with me following in the trusty W reg Nissan Micra.  Picked up the cards I'd forgotten and headed out again, including picking up more brake fluid & popping into Tackle & Books to pay for the last present on the list - having only brought my Co-op shop points card out with me the first time round.  All done.  Dogs walked.  And all that is left to do is to wish you all a safe and peaceful Christmas.  It's going to be a very different one and for those of you spending it on your own I'm sending an extra virtual hug. xx

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