Roaring Sunrise

Many thanks for the blessing given to yesterday's blip! More sun today but the lake had frozen enough that the reflections were nowhere near as good.
We got up early and it was still fairly dark, though lightening as I looked out. There was a broad red glow along the horizon and a single grey cloud, otherwise the sky was clear.  This was wonderful and unexpected. The sky lightened further, the cloud grew pink edges and I got ready to go out and catch that rising sun. The ground all around was white, with frost rather than snow.
When the sun broke the horizon it seemed to rise really quickly and anything caught by the sunlight glowed richly. This was a brilliant start to a very good day.  For the rest of the day's happenings check out HarlingDarling's blip.
For those who celebrate today, Christmas Eve, as the big day I'll wish you "God Jul", and for those who celebrate tomorrow, Merry Christmas, and for anyone else, Happy Holidays!

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