The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Lizzy In Chesham

A few weeks after acquiring London cats Robin and Lizzy I moved to the country, more specifically to Chesham, in Bucks, which lies in Metroland, at the very end of the line, in the beautiful Chilterns. Both cats seemed to settle in quite happily. Robin would venture quite far afield to rummage around the tyres at the Tyre Centre or to hunt for mice on Nashleigh Hill's banks or verges. Lizzy was more likely to remain close to home, as here in the back garden.

(Taken with a Pentax K1000, using a Pentax 24-35mm lens, on Fujicolor HR1600 negative film, ISO 1600, scanned on a printer-copier-scanner from a Sky W1 6x4 print)


Lizzy #2

Lizzy series

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Donna Summer - State Of Independence (1982)

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