Christmas Day

For many 2020 has been an awful year but we are among the lucky ones, not least due to these two little cuties joining our family six weeks ago.

This morning we attended church and it seemed extra poignant. Only the choir of 4 was permitted to sing but they did it so well. The mask wearing,  social distancing and hand sanitizers somehow brought us together, especially knowing it is happening all around the world. 

Then we went to Graham and Bec's for present opening followed by a delicious meal. See extra.
I think the highlight was when the older children received IOUs for a violin, bike and kindles. Jane, who didn't really need anything in that category this year, got one for a pink lollipop. She literally jumped for joy! It just goes to show it's the thought that counts.

Helen and Omar and the babies have returned to Sydney for another Christmas meal with his family. One is all I can manage these days.
Mr isbi and I are having quiet evening and Julia is joining us tomorrow for a couple of days at the farm. 
I might find time to unpack my new camera which arrived a couple of weeks ago :-)

I nearly forgot to mention that it has been a very cool (14C), damp and misty day. More like the northern hemisphere.

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