I Could Weep

Bit surprised yesterday - Christmas Day - to hear the chain saws going on our Land again. 

Which meant that we had to spend most of today clearing the top part of the Lane that goes past our Land, in case we need an ambulance, Mike said! You can see here how blocked it gets. Clearing means mainly chucking it all over our wall (on the right), and chopping up stuff too big to lift, or bits still attached to the trees lower down. It's muscle-building, for sure. Mike did most of it today; I had clothes to wash, lunch to make, and arrangements to make for tomorrow.

And the next challenge is clearing it off our Land, there is a LOT of it. We'll chop the big bits for firewood, but there's a lot too small for that.

Gotta admit, I could weep at our denuded trees. Especially one that I loved the curve of. Wish I was convinced it's really necessary...

- getting the Lane clear again
- a wood burner, it's going below zero tonight
- plans for tomorrow

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