Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Party time

Well.....I'm a little tipsy as I type this so excuse any typos.

We had a great time at my friends party and now I'm heading off to bed...

I will try and write more in the morning...

8:36 Sunday.....right up and at em! So we met friends from the kili trip for lunch yesterday. We chatted over stuff we had been up to and talked quite excitedly about things we wanted to do! Skiing was mentioned and so was a trek in South America !

We all met up for the party and instantly the old friendships and fun started. I really like these people...we all have the outdoor pursuits in common (no smuttyness please) and much of the talk with the lads was about biking, walking, skiing and adventure like stuff! The evening passed quickly and soon the first departees were going, one having a half marathon booked for this morning!

So the next stop is breakfast ....all together...and then home again!

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