Sunrise over Scandrett Farm

Woke just before the sun rose. Had enough time to gather myself, get dressed and go up to the highest part of Highfield Reserve, where someone else was already taking photos of the sunrise. I did take a couple of photos there, and then decided to go lower so that I would get a different angle on the sun emerging from behind the peninsula where Scandrett Farm has become a Regional Park (public access). The photo I got there is today’s blip.

We left Snells Beach early, to miss the traffic and potter in the apartment before joining daughter J for a meal. While there the Police helicopter arrived overhead and circled around for 5-10 minutes before heading away. That’s my first extra for today.

The second is J’s answer to how you hide something like this in the small patch of lawn she has. By making a feature of it in the centre of a circle of old house bricks. I’ve taken a photo during the design phase, and with the help of the grand boys, I’ll create the camouflage sometime soon. 

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