Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Snowy female blackbird

We woke up this morning to a blanket of wet snow that was dripping before the sun was up. It certainly brought in a load of birds today which was great for me as my husband was busy all day playing games and I had the day to myself. So I settled down to a morning of birdwatching from the comfort and warmth of my sofa. It was very productive in terms of variety if the photography wasn’t the best. It’s quite difficult to avoid the shadows and reflections on the windows, but I’m far too much of a wimp to sit outside in this weather!
As well as all the usual garden birds the lesser whitethroat from the start of the month made a return - there’s a couple of record shots in extras. We also had a goldcrest and a sparrowhawk, both were way too fast for me to photograph, and a Jay was around before the sun was really up and I was still half asleep. A very enjoyable day that I felt had to be marked with at least a little bit of snow, so it’s a female blackbird that gets the starring role today. 

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