
By Houseonahill6


We had some snow this morning, just a light covering here and it was cold. I caught a quick glimpse of this beautiful male bullfinch which was feeding on the nettle seeds, another reason for not being too tidy in the garden.
Plenty of long tailed tits around and an increase in Blackbirds.
It was great to see the sun for awhile although it did hide behind a cloud when we went out for a short drive.
We are now in Tier 4 after being in Tier 1 for quite a while and getting so close to some more freedom. It does not effect us too much, we were still being careful and not really meeting with others. It does mean that cafes and restaurants can only serve Take away food, pubs are closed again, Schools will go back later than planned, all non essential shops closed including B&Q for example and Garden Centres.No Puffin Pool until at least the week starting the 18th:(
We drove down to the Point but it was busy so decided not to get out of the car.
Back home for coffee and some of the Christmas Cake I made, which tasted yummy :)

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