New Years Day 2021 - Flower Friday

At the last minute of the walk this afternoon I remembered it was actually Friday lol! Amazing how out of touch you get when on holidays!  

I saw this poor forlorn gum tree 99% dead but with one small branch just covered in fresh gum blossoms which I thought was the real last hurrah! Perfect for Flower Friday :o)

Dear husband managed to fire up the old Mac computer in the workshop and force my iPad to co-operate and bingo he got all the images off it! Wow what a guy!! ;o). Now I can use my new camera as the correct battery also finally arrived! Its a lovely upgrade from the budget model OMD EM-10 which I’ve had for quite a few years to OMD EM5 Mk2 and I can really feel the difference plus it does quite a few things that the EM-10 didnt do, the sky is the limit yay!! :o)

I spent the day relaxing again it never gets boring ;o)

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