sunny sky sunday...

well, for half the day at least! the rain duly arrived during the afternoon - still no snow!

Did get out in the garden for a bit this morning (the jackdaw kept watch!), but my main focus this weekend has been sorting through photo albums that have been cluttering up half my wardrobe for ever!! I had visions of creating so much space in there after being ruthless with photos, and while I've managed to throw away about 15 photo albums and countless photos, there still seems to be very little space left when I put everything back!!! So it seems I need to go through all the photos and albums again another time and have another cull...... aarrggghhh! I am thankful to past me for taking so many nice photos, but I'm also cursing past me for seemingly printing them ALL out and putting them in albums!

I've had an audiobook keeping me company all weekend though while the sorting progressed - I can highly recommend Hinton Hollow Death Trap by Will Carver if you like your thriller/whodunnit/murder mysteries of the dark and twisted variety!! It's narrated by Evil... need I say anymore!

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