
By flying


.....before the wind arrived.

It was lovely to read your kind words yesterday after being away for most of last year. Spring arrived with gusty winds which kept me mostly housebound and then when summer arrived I was suffering with severe sinus, energy levels were extremely low and my mojo for blipping went out the door. Thankfully Christmas was a quiet affair for us as I only managed to decorate our small tree, there was no Christmas baking which is most unusual for me, hubby cooked a pav and it was a real beauty!

On a brighter note I'm feeling much better, revived and ready to fly into 2021, fingers crossed the wind stays away.

Oh, there will be a few backblips as I'm able to put them up, some exciting news, well hubby and I think so :) I'll link it up so you don't miss out.

Warm thanks to you all, truly touched :)

Happy Monday everyone :)

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