Just like riding a bike

On Saturday night the clocks went back for Daylight Saving. On Sunday, Autumn woke up.

The leaves outside the music block are wonderfully crisp and russett. The kids seem to be having fun with them over there. I am sure our cleaners and groundsmen aren't having quite such a good time.

Still, they make for a pretty photograph. Me, head down, bum up in the middle of the grass. Oh well, we have to suffer for our art, I guess.

Cousteau and I went for our second mountain bike ride in ages after school. It was warm and muggy but we had fun. I almost had a head-on collision with a tree but managed to stop myself, not sure how.

I missed a couple of turnings and only my dog, stopping to look at me as if I was daft, made me go back. Glad he knows where he's going.

He ran in front of me for the most part, looking back to check I was still there from time to time, then falling back, having the decency to look at least a little tired, before hooning past me at the rate of knots and therefore manifesting that he hadn't really been trying before.

He's great company on the ride and I felt safer knowing that he was nearby than I would riding around by myself.

So, I'm tired and achy but seem to have remembered how to ride a bike. Only the soft sand (it's been dry of late) and a wee hill, had me putting my feet down.

I hope to go again on Thursday.

Night. :)

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