
By SeaGypsy49

Eagle Ray.

As I was dropping the Other Half off, I saw this Eagle ray in the shallow waters along side the jetty. Didn't have the camera with me, so jumped back into the car, and rushed home to get it. Thankfully, it was still there when I got back with the camera, and I manged to get a few shots of it.
The other week there had been about a dozen small ones, and a couple of larger ones there too. The small ones were chasing each other around, and the mud was all stirred up, so it wasn't any good for getting a picture of them. This one was only about ½ metre across.

"Eagle rays are found in coastal waters and estuaries around New Zealand and the Southwest Pacific, spending most of their time in shallow waters down to depths of 160 m. They're occasionally seen as far south as Foveaux Strait, but are mostly found around the North Island, and as far north as the Kermadec Islands. They spend most of their time over sandy and muddy bottoms, but are seen occasionally around reefs. Eagle rays are generally solitary - more so than stingrays - but will congregate in shallow water during the summer months, when they come in to breed." from

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