Catching Snowballs

I woke bitterly disappointed to see the predicted overnight snow hadn't arrived. Ben then a few flakes appeared, followed by a lot more, and then a load more. I went out in the blizzard with Roam and Shenny and Whiskey, and then after a brief stop home to get warm, headed out again with Forrest to try a run. I let him off the leash after a while so I could take my time and focus more on photography. By the afternoon, the landscape was utterly transformed. I wanted to visit all my favourite places.

Impossible to choose from hundreds of wild and wintry landscapes, but this shot best captures the spirit of the day. Whiskey was totally in his element. It was such a joy to witness how much fun he had in the snow, and how much joy he brings his owners. Simple pleasures are the best. 

A day where it was easy to forget the wider problems going on in the world. It was again astonishing to see so very few people about. But then, as it never stopped snowing all day, perhaps it wasn't!

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