
A difficult day leaving mum and heading home today. I got up at 8 and after breakfast filled my car. It was bursting at the sides. Then after a hug with mum, left Hoddesdon. Dropped a bag off at Jenny's before getting on the foggy A10 and home.

Stopped for petrol at Buntingford, and for a coffee in a garage on the A11. It was foggy all the way, until I got to the outskirts of Norwich where it suddenly became bright and sunny, but still crispy white on the fields. There i also plugged my nephew's postcode into my satnav, so that I could drop off some bits he had left behind. He is a student at UEA in Norwich and only went back to Uni yesterday. So lucky I was passing today!

I got home at a few minutes to midday. Jon helped me unload my car, then we had a cup of tea. I started to put things away, then we took a walk to the allotment to feed the chickens. They were out - probably pushed through a hole they have made. Problem is, they can't ever find that hole to get back in. Bird brained really is the right description for these girls. The ground is still a bit soft, but it is so cold - can we face digging tomorrow? Hmm. I have many other things I can be doing - in the warm.

Jon cooked dinner, while I started to declutter the book case. I have come home with a resolve to declutter. Yes, I know I say that every year - but I mean it this time. Yesterday afternoon/evening sorting such a small amount of dad's old photographic and camera stuff, and swimming in a sea of dusty ephemera in his loft was the deciding factor. So I have managed to fill a big box with books and cds, and have consolidated the remaining books and cds onto one book case. So one can now go. I also cleared one whole shelf in my sideboard, disposing of some glass bowls.

I put the flowers from one of the arrangements we had decorated dad's coffin with, into vases. We want to press some of the flowers tomorrow. Jon is going to make us a press. In the mean time they look lovely on the mantle and book case ( the one I am going to dispose of!!)

Now I'm going to use the templates I cut out last weekend to stary making my first memory bear. Everyone else is watching a film, but I don't have the patience for a film!

Tomorrow I plan to sew...

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