Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox


I came home from my looonnngggg day and GK had rediscovered all the fridge magnets which she very cleverly and precisely put back in place on the fridge door!!

Its now looking really colourful and you need your 'sunnies' to view it!

My favourite has to be the 'Hundredwasser House' which is placed just beside Mr Harrods Bear's right foot!!

Friedensreich Hundertwasser, the designer, started out as a painter but became increasingly more interested in architecture.

After many headaches in trying to get his 'natural concept' house built, it was finally completeded in 1985.

Using the concept that, "an uneven floor is a divine melody to the feet" it features

Undulating floors
A roof covered with earth and grass
Large trees growing from inside the rooms
Branches extending from windows

Hundertwasser took no payment for the design of the house, declaring that it was worth it, to prevent something ugly from going up in its place.

Within the house there are

52 apartments
4 offices
16 private terraces
3 communal terraces
250 trees and bushes

The Hundertwasser House is one of Vienna's most visited buildings and has become part of Austria's cultural heritage.

Maybe we could suggest something like this for the big gaping wound in our community now, following yesterday's demolition blip!!!

Wouldn't that be a first for Dubai!!!

Wonder which one of these magnets catches your eye??

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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