
By dunkyc

Don't stop playing

Having posted my blip yesterday, I collected Carmen and we had a much enjoyed and overdue gnocchi and movie night. 

We laughed our way through ‘Tag’ which is based on the true story of a game of tag (or sometimes ‘Tig’ or ‘It’ in the UK) between friends which had been going on for over 30 years. I liked the central tenet of the film: “We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” which I believe is attributed to George Bernard Shaw.

I tried to keep that in mind in my approach to homeschooling today, but I’ll be honest it was tough going. How numbers and maths are taught these days seems to be totally banal and over complicated, fortunately m’boy has a brain that has been carefully tuned to this way of thinking and he was able to educate both me and his sister.

The Dunkyc School of Excellence has continued today with its Master Baker course (spend a lot of my day master baking - sorry, it’s panto season, I’m clearly getting innuendo withdrawal......and now I’ve gone meta) alongside advanced clay modelling. It is crucial that these two should never meet for fear of cross contaminating the ingredients and ending up with a tasty ornament and/or solid buns.

Stay healthy.

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