Ninety Up

A bit of an essential trip, for the aunt is 90! Happy Birthday aunt, and here are a few victuals to keep you going. No bad for ninety, you’ve got to say. Actually, she’s not 90 till Thursday but on that day she’s getting her Covid-19 vaccination. Way hey! Then another essential trip - the son still being in self isolation, and still eating, required a top up. Not from the Farm Shop.
On the way back, called in at the Dreadnought for a few tinnies. No more entering their establishment in future - the regulations around take-aways have been further tightened, as they have been for click and collect, and for al fresco bevvying. One more push! 
Later, the boys virtual bevvy session (still allowed) and FM joins the grandparent crew with the birth of a wee granddaughter, Lucy Edith. Terrific news which we toasted muchly. Much later, when numbers had diminished to the last four, MrT gave us some rather bad news which will involve his undergoing radiotherapy for some months. Sheesh. Not at all good.


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