Burst of Colour

I had become resigned to having lost my Lensbaby Velvet 56mm. Hunting for another lens in my camera bag yesterday, I found it! Mystified, I had searched that bag three times previously, I had thought.

Well the weather here was bleak. Sleet and snow fell for most of the day but didn't settle. If it freezes overnight, it'll be a skating rink outside tomorrow.

On top of which, I had a mind blowing headache. If I turned  my head, the pain shot through it. I gave up by 4pm and settled on the settee to watch an episode of Montalbano on the iPad. Staying still and paracetamol helped but the headache's still there. I'm wondering if I should get one of those special neck pillows.

We had a M&S Vietnamese style pulled pork dish for supper, with roast potatoes and sugar snap peas. Saved me cooking.

As for the daily photo, you can see that it was pushing the bounds of creativity, not. I used the newly found Velvet 56 but couldn't see to focus properly and had left it too late. I just liked the colour of the throw on the settee, and that's what you've got today.

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