Life on the go

By BarryBadcock

Soggy Walk - Little did I know

Soggy Walk - Little did I know.

I have to admit to not walking every day  and I did not walk yesterday. So when I woke up this morning and before I looked out the window I decided I would go for a walk today. 

Little did I know, Anyway having made the decision and when I looked out the window I thought 'Oh Well!!'

(Which, as an aside,  reminds me of a Goon Show line by Neddy Seagoon 

"Little do they know how little I know about the little they know. If only I knew what the little that they know, I'd know a little" )

Off we go. It was very damp, the rain / drizzle was very wet. The area was not as wet or flooded as some areas around, like round Toft from pictures I have seen. One advantage of living on the Haddenham Mountain of the Fens, we do not flood very often :)

Day 284 of Project 365

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