Vaccine day

So not the most interesting photo but worth marking the day that mum and dad had their Pfizer vaccine - well the first one anyway! They’ll have to go back for the second one in a few weeks. I listened to an audio book in the health centre car whilst waiting for them.

Our local health practice is acting as the vaccine centre for the surrounding areas so it is great to have it on hand just across the other side of Cully. It was all very well organised - think they have learned lots from their  annual flu vaccine cycles which are also a major undertaking.

It is the first time I have driven in ages since we have been asked to stay local.  We have saved lots on petrol since March but some of that will be offset by the extra heating and electric in use as we work from home - particularly the kettle that I boil multiple times a day to keep my cuppas coming.  I do miss the magic tap at work that dispenses boiling water in an instant.

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