Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Slippery Slopes

All I can say about today's walk is - I wish I'd worn my wellies. But the original plan was to walk along the old railway track into town, and I reckoned that would have a firm surface. But we couldn't find the way on to it - I think we need to get a better map, there was a path shown, but no sign of it on the ground. It's not the first time this has happened.

We headed down to the river instead, and it was hard going. Still frozen where the sun hadn't been, and thick mud where it had thawed and several walkers and bikers had already slipped and slithered all over it. Our boots are in the garage till they dry out enough to knock the mud off, and trousers were removed at the door and put straight into the washing machine.

But at least we got some fresh air.

The evening has disappeared in a series of phone calls, commenting will have to wait until tomorrow :-(

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