
A very grey, wet and depressing day but I did venture out:

1.  To do a doorstep Birthday delivery to my friend who became an Octogenarian today and who will be off to the Orthopaedic Hospital in Oswestry tomorrow for her Covid vaccination. Lovely to see her and definitely not looking her age .........  I added a little quote on her Birthday card:  2021 'Lucky for you, vintage is in' lol!!

2.  A doorstep meeting with yet another Octogenarian friend to pick up a couple of oven ready Pheasants given to her from a Farmer friend of hers.  

3.  Delivered one of the pheasants to a spring chicken friend (she's only in her late 70's),

4.  A quick walk by the canal in very, very damp conditions.  Didn't dare take the new camera out.

Lots of flooding to be seen everywhere.

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