De Stenen Tafel

This morning I cycled to Borculo to a big shoe shop to find me a pair of decent shoes for the summer. The ride towards Borculo was pretty good, approx 10 km and great weather. After finding myself nice pair of shoes I walked around Borculo and took photos of this water mill, De Stenen Tafel (Dutch only), in English "The Stone Table". As you can see, there are two water wheels here, one for grain and the other originally for oil but later changed to a gristmill too. Only the one on the right in this photo was turning today.

I also went to the Kristalmuseum (also Dutch only), the Crystal Museum, to visit their shop and bought two small stones that can be hung on a necklace; Amazonite and Chalcedony, which according to the leaflet in the store should both fit my sign of the Zodiac: Aquarius.

The ride back home was not as good, bit of rain.. and ever since I arrived home all the pollens I picked up on the bike ride have been wonderfully activating my antibodies and introduced the start of hay fever season 2009! :(

curves, contrast +20, saturation +10

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