Little ones

These two little camels were so cute.  One wanted to play and the other one just wanted to sit in the sun.  Another chilly day but tomorrow is going to be warmer they say.  Been seeing every ones snow blips, they are really beautiful.  Guess it is just a tad colder than here in the sandpit.

Corona Virus update
Bahrain recorded 246 new cases, 1 fatality and 210 recoveries today.

 New Zealand said they were investigating what they said was probably the country's first community coronavirus case, in months in a woman who recently returned from overseas.
The country of 5 million people has had only 1,927 confirmed cases.

Britain vaccinated 478,248 people in the 24 hours to yesterday with a first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, a daily record according to government figures, as the total death toll from the virus nears the 100,000 mark, standing at 97,329.
The country also reported 1,348 deaths from Covid-19 yesterday, a slight fall from the previous day when there were 1,401 fatalities.

Kuwait's Civil Aviation has announced that airlines operating at Kuwait International Airport will only be allowed to bring in 35 passengers on each flight as part of the country's measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus disease.

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