Life's tangled skein

By atp

2016-10-01 (Day 275) Rave Run - Pow Burn

I normally try to do Rave Run photos on a Friday, but I was cycling yesterday and so couldn't post one.

Instead, while Cameron was having a golf lesson, I went for a run along this tiny unclassified road. The road crosses the Pow Burn here, at this delightful old stone bridge.

Beside the bridge is one of the absolutely massive electricity pylons that bring power from Longannet to the central lowlands - I wonder whether they will remain now that Longannet has closed? This pylon is 153m tall, and is the tallest electricity pylon in Scotland.

The pylons are so tall to allow the 400kV cable to cross the River Forth, and on the north side of the Forth you can see the Ochil Hills in the background.

The weather was gorgeous today - it was a lovely run!

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