Life's tangled skein

By atp

2018-06-29 (Day 180) Not The World Cup!

This one is here for its rarity value!

As I said before, I'm one of the "joiner-iners", adn today Cameron and I said we would take part in the "football" event being run by the entertainment team.

I'm not giong to pretend to be in any way competent - or even interested - in football. But there was a great atmosphere at the World Cup games being shown by the hotel, and it was a bit of fun, and we were promised it was only going to be a "who can hit the crossbar" competition.

Aye, right. After ten mintues of that we ended up playing a four-a-side game in bright sunshine and well over thirty degrees. It was ridiculously hot - though I will point out that I did score a goal!

So here's a pcture of me playing football. Don't expect to see many more like this!

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