Quick blip in the park

A bit of a landmark day today, with unexpected contact from my ex-boss who needed some urgent copy-editing done. He'd been asked to reduce an article he'd written from 1600 to 800 words. 'Can you help?' 'No problem', says I. Naturally, it wasn't at all straight-forward, and the only way I could come close was by being utterly ruthless and dumping an entire section of what he'd written. I gave him the bad news, he asked for both the butchered version and a tightened and trimmed alternative.

That brought me up to mid afternoon and I was still blipless. Fortunately, a brief spell of quite nice sunshine broke out, I dashed up to the favourite haunt of St Anne's Park and spent a pleasant forty minutes or so. Time to take it easy for the rest of the evening.

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