
By Shutterup

The snow cleared

overnight all the snow disappeared.. but the bonus is seeing all the snowdrops and the aconites and even a crocus in flower in the garden.. what a miracle nature is!

We noticed on Friday last week that the next door development have put a window where there was not meant to be one on the end wall of the house.  This raises overlooking and privacy issues for us.. the nightmare continues.  knowing that the council planning dept have little or no interest in 'warring neighbours' (which incidentally are their words on an email.. I do not feel like a warring neighbour i am just doing the job the  planners and that is watching what the builders are doing and reporting it when it is goes out of line)  The parish council say they have no sway with the planners so not to expect anything.. so instead I have posted on the village noticeboard, a copy of the approved plan and a photograph stating the errors that are visible to all who pass... I suggest that they contact the planning office.. and basically am publicly shaming the developer.. I wonder how long that notice will remain on the board.. (I will post another if it is removed)

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