
By Dee49

A story

This time, 6 years ago, I had not long arrived at the hospital for a C-section. And I was terrified!!
This pregnancy hadn't been the most straightforward.
It was only at the routine 12week scan that we were informed that there had been two babies. I would have so loved to have had twins, but sadly, the other only made it to 8 weeks. I surprised myself with how upset I felt given that I hadn't known. But in hindsight, I had been really big almost from the start and I was extra hungry, ALL the time.

But, there was still this one baby. Soon to be Neve :)

I had came into contact with someone who had slapped cheek syndrome and this is considered dangerous to unborn babies. I had blood tests galore and finally, relieved to know I had the antibodies in me that would protect.
I also had toothache during this pregnancy. Now I have a strong pain threshold but toothache? Well this is one of the few things that can get me crying. I remember sitting at the kitchen table crying my eyes out with the pain and trying to get by with only paracetamol.

And of course, this wee baby was breach wasn't she. And double breach at that. And she would not turn. They gave me the option to try turning her but it had a low success rate with the chances of her turning back, but I was also worried that in turning her the cord may get wrapped around her neck. And so a Caesarean section it was.

It was the most terrifying experience of my life. I'd rather give birth 100 times with no pain relief than to have another one of these. It is sooo not the easy option. Not for me anyways.
I remember sitting on the table in theatre with my ass hanging embarrassingly out the back of the gown. Getting big silver moon boots on my feet. Nothing was painful, it was more the whole process of it. Nevie's dad wasn't allowed in until I had been prepped so I felt very much alone with all these strangers who were going to be viewing intimate parts of my body!
How surprised I was when I couldn't feel my legs. I panicked about that. I didn't realise. Lol!
So anyhow, after all was said and done, (thank god my view was blocked!) this wee baby was lifted out, and still sleeping.

Here was Neve.

Neve was somehow different. I kinda felt that she'd had a rough road to get into this world, but I was so glad she had made it.
She wasn't as chubby a baby as her sisters had been but was healthy up until just after her MMR jag. She developed an upper respiratory infection which eventually lead to her asthma diagnosis a long time later down the line. (After hitting A&E with her a few times)
This wee girl is my youngest baby. She is a very fussy eater, is a tiny skinny wee thing, and rules the household in the way only a 6 year old can......
She wanted a baby brother for her birthday. When I informed her that would not be happening..... she told me I could adopt one. She has been here before :)

Happy Birthday Neve. It's hard to think you'll be going into Primary 3 this year!! And you may be a little handful, but you're MY sweet little handful, and I wouldn't have you any other way :)

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