
Iram and Envy are tucked away in here.
Iram a very cute and friendly, black lab, drug sniffer dog and Envy a beautiful German Shepherd and tracker of bad guys.
Outside the cop shop and I waited to see if the handler was around and it was ok to take a photo. A VERY cute handler too, with the whitest of teeth and friendliest of natures.
Rather like his charges!
...and I got to have a cuddle.
With Iram.

(This spotted on the way to see 'West of Memphis'. A riveting and confronting film about three eight year old lives terribly cut short and the plight of three teenagers convicted with nothing to connect them to the killings but community fear, bad policing and a witch hunt.
During their 15 year incarceration some very heavy hitters came on board including actors, musicians, lawyers and forensics experts, The Innocence Project and the general public. Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh of Hobbit and LOTR fame are the driving forces behind the film.
There can never be a 'happy' ending with such tragic deaths, however well worth watching should it come your way.)

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