The Delivery

Bright and early this morning this was the scene outside my house. I was so pleased with the garden bark which was my Christmas present that I decided to treat myself to some more. The light is just awful for outdoor photography but I couldn't let this excitement pass without a record. I played around with the colour. In real life the lorry was too yellow, the hedge and conifer next door too green and the sky too grey. Couldn't do anything about the twiggery top right, which is actually a lovely oak tree.

I'm glad to say that the robin has already been rooting around in this sack looking for morsels. I hope it finds plenty. I'll need to get the wheelbarrow out and start transporting the bark through to the back garden where I'm going to spread it in the hope of suppressing weeds. But there is no rush. No one walks up the path these days! And the weather is horrible. Hope it's sunny wherever you are.

I've fallen behind with comments but will catch up soon.

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