Icy walk

Determined to get out for a walk today before the shed load of snow forecast for tomorrow arrives. I only walked along the roads. The fields and verges are still covered in frozen snow and feel like a minefield walking with my dodgy leg, not being able to see what the ground is actually like. I've been trying to ignore the painful leg as I know the doctors are being inundated with much more urgent need. Also my mum's needs have been far more important. Now she is more settled I'll see how it goes and get it checked out if it continues. I thought it was arthritis but I'm not so sure now. I did fall on it about 3 months ago so could be connected to that. I like to try self healing but maybe it's time to consult a medic.
I actually enjoyed my WW zoom meeting today. I think I'm enjoying the social interaction as much as any advice I may pick up but it's a nice group of people to spend an hour with. I have another five months for free so I may as well make the most of it. By that time I should be called for another blood test and find out if my blood sugar levels are improved. Time will tell. 
Mum is settling into being at home and the carers are taking good care of her. A gentleman from the hospital care team rang me yesterday to check if it was all working ok, and a lady from social services is going in to speak to mum tomorrow to see if she needs anything else. We can't fault the aftercare. 
I spent the afternoon cleaning out and cleaning my car in readiness for it being collected. I started the process of returning it and am just waiting for a date for it to be collected. I haven't used it at all for about two months just stood out on the verge at the top of the drive. It started  first time and I left it ticking over quietly for about ten minutes. I also checked all the tyre pressures so I can be confident it will be perfectly ready to go.
For dinner, I made a quick pie with the previous day's leftover vegetables.
I remembered I hadn't completed my online shopping order so hurriedly finished that after vaguely planning some meals for the following week.
I collapsed onto the sofa about 7pm after a busy full day. I managed a row of the temperature blanket and a few rows of ribbing on Barry's sweater. We watched a couple of episodes of some Netflix series about setting up and running a narrowboat on the canals, the owner is very entertaining and it makes  pleasant viewing. I followed this with the final Farmer's Showdown, all about the sheepdogs which was so heartwarming. 
Bedtime was early and welcome!

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