Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

The little book of worries

It saddens me that there is still so much stigma around mental health.  1 in 4 people in the UK experience mental health problems every year and yet people feel ashamed to speak out when they're struggling.

This is my "little book of worries".  I'll happily hold my hands up and admit I'm a worrier.  I find something worrying and then it sits with me for days whilst I stew on it and often catastrophise it until it's completely overwhelming.  Until I started my worry book that is.  I'm not going to lie, it hasn't completely stopped me worrying but I do it a lot less.  Now, when I realise I'm worrying, I grab my little a6 notebook and I write it down so I can stop thinking about it.  The idea is, I then give myself a time slot every week where I am allowed to worry about them.  Truth is, I don't usually use the time because having written it down, I realise, it wasn't such a big thing after all, or I can do something to take the worry away or it wasn't my concern to be holding the worry for.

It's also great for getting things out of my head at bedtime.

A simple but huge step in the process of changing my mind.

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