Kingfisher hunting at Roving Bridge, Newtown

Helena went off on a ‘birthday’ walk with her friend Angela K. at lunchtime. The sun was shining and despite my sore foot I decided I must get out for a less energetic walk myself. I’d read on a local birding website that kingfishers had been seen at Roving Bridge, near Stonehouse. I looked for it on a map and realised it was a bridge over the canal which I’d never visited before, so that is where I went.

By the time I arrived there, on the west side of Stroud, where the old canal flows out onto the Severn Vale, the clouds had begun to shield the sun. I realised I had a few minutes of good light and used it taking pictures of the bridge. I was surprised at how many people were using the towpath which suggested to me that any kingfishers would have been disturbed and likely flown away.

I walked down to canal past Newtown Lock which is being renovated in preparation for the re-opening of this section to Saul Junction, where it will be rejoined to the Gloucester to Sharpness canal. It was lovely to stand watching wildlife along the cut with tall trees on the south side and a rather busy road not far away to the north.

I started to walk back to the bridge, stopping in various places on the off chance of sighting something interesting like a kingfisher. suddenly the telltale flash of blue appeared some way away and I focused in to a branch hanging over the water. I watched for a short while, but the distance was too far for good pictures and the light was by now even poorer. I walked closer and as I did so it dived neaqly vertically into the canal with a big splash. I caught its return to the air but missed focus and my shutter speed was far too slow.

It flew a little further away from me so I slowly approached it again. Another flash and another dive which I also failed to record well. Another walk rather gingerly towards its new more distant position took me under thicker cover from lower overhanging branches. I feared that was it then saw this gap in the branches. It flew away a few seconds later when it spotted me and that was it. I was very pleased to see a kingfisher again and will definitely come back when the light is better and I’ll wait more patiently to catch its dive for fish. This is a good spot for seeing it.

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