Digitised Doodle

That's how I feel after achieving very little:
Some cad processing completed.
An errand in town.
A site visit.

In between that, in trying to help avoid a competing boundary issue, (on a site I am not directly involved in) I had a hugely unconstructive telephone discussion with someone at agency tasked with registering title here in Scotland.
The institutional incompetence which prevails here, given the implications of the blunders they make, is absolutely eye watering.

As a young student I recall going to hear a talk by an anti nuclear campaigner. The lecturer started by using a Latin expression which now escapes me. It meant the more you learn about something the less scary it becomes. In an ironic twist he explained the opposite was the case with nuclear waste.
With land registration I have delved deep in to the processes and the expertise of those who administer it. There is no technical training. There is no quality control procedures and the incompetence is defended by a blind adherence to an out of date bit of statute  
Scotland is famous for its feats of engineering, roads, bridges and complex underground tunnels to connect hydro schemes.
It is bizarre that your Scottish registered land title can be based on an untitled, undated, unchecked doodle on a page that has been photocopied a dozen times.

I have written to successive MSPs for over a decade now and they have done nothing.

We have a client, who has had a working boat shed in his family for generations. The surrounding estate has been transferred and registered and in this process his shed has been lost to the big estate. Rather than fix it, the official advice from the Keeper is for him to get a solicitor to start the fight to get it back through the courts.

Does anybody reading this think that is any way reasonable?

I wish I could recall that Latin term!



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