Into the white world

Today was a quiet day - perhaps we overdid things a little yesterday, overjoyed at feeling fully healthy again!
We got out for a walk, taking the kick-sledges (sparks) intstead of our skis. I managed to stay upright this time, keeping my downhill speeds more modest - less exciting but more controlled. We discussed if this could be described as a loss of youthful exuberance (I am soon to be 70), or a gain in wisdom? Answers on a postcard.
On today's blip you can see the edge of our village in the far distance. It shows the form of the counrtyside around us, with small hills, small fields, and scattered houses. The forest is a patchwork of felled areas, regrowing areas, and mature forest.
The day was bright, not as cold as it's been but still comfortably below freezing, with a mostly clouded sky.
I set off another batch of sourdough bread, which I'll bake tomorrow or the next day.
We watched the final part of the TV series "Name of the Rose" which I really liked. The cast, setting, and acting was all impressive. Liberties were taken with the original story with some new major themes and characters but I'm no purist so I was able to  appreciate the modified storyline.

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