Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Three guesses ...

Outdoor swimming pool?
Nuclear missile silo?
Ventilation shaft to provide oxygen to the underground reptiles that secretly rule the planet?
Ultimate fighting arena to provide entertainment that will attract people back to our deserted town centres following the defeat of Covid?

Okay that’s four guesses.

Actually I’m pretty certain it’s a decorative planter for one of the new trees that will adorn our town centre when things are back to normal. Sorry to disappoint.

Bloody cold today. Ice in the air and a thin layer of snow on the ground. We didn’t stay out for long.

Found time to play games and drink tea. Did some retirement planning. Strider got a First for his assignment on The Peasants Revolt - brilliant. TSM made a lovely warming casserole. All good winter’s day stuff. 

Might have a log fire tomorrow.

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